Nostalgic Stuff
Every now and then I dig things out of my cellar or find something second-hand from my childhood and youth. I would like to present them on this page.
Bestseller Games
Let's start with the Bestseller Games. A magazine that came out every month in the mid to late 90s im Germany and contained a CD with a cool game. It was through these magazines that I got into point-and-click adventures. Monkey Island, Day Of The Tentacle etc.
I also really liked the Indiana Jones games. I've only just found the original CDs for two of these games.In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the movie of the same name is played as a point-and-click adventure game. In addition to the pixel graphics, I particularly remember the many funny elements. I can still remember Indiana Jones traveling to Venice to look for a secret entrance to the catacombs in the library with the help of the diary. You can read about the whole process in the Tentakel Villa (German).
But I liked Indiana Jones - Fate Of Atlantis even better, so I played it several times and also played it through once. Indy tries to find the secret Atlantis together with Sophia.Many years after the Bestseller games, I bought the remake of The Secret of Monkey Island. We played the original up and down at the time. We often didn't even read the text.
I am now also the proud owner of Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb, another point-and-click adventure game from the Bestseller Games. Here you play a fox who makes peace between different parties. You can follow my current progress in my logbook for the game.Dark Force
In my childhood, when I also came into contact with role-playing games like DSA or Shadowrun, a friend showed me a new card game that he had from his brother: Dark Force.
I remember thinking the game was just cool and I bought a few packs of cards.
Dark Force is a Trading Card Game (TCG) by Schmidt Spiele from 1994 and is set in the world of The Dark Eye.
I'm lucky enough to be able to get two whole Master Packs and a whole bunch of other cards second hand. I'm looking forward to playing the game in the coming months. The rules are a bit complicated though :D I'll try to give a little overview of the rules and share my experiences.Dark Force is played in pairs against each other. Each player defends their own small province and tries to conquer the opponent's terrain cards or defeat a certain number of opposing cards (heroes, armies, creatures). As in Aventurien (the world of The Dark Eye), spells and miracles (nowadays liturgies) are of course also used.
Here are the game rules for Dark Force: (Click on Game rules in the menu on the left; German). The site is still genuine from that time and well worth a visit.